Case Studies
Examples of previously undertaken R & D Projects
Chembiotech Laboratories has conducted research and development for more than
one hundred companies and organisations worldwide. Detailed below are examples of work
undertaken by Chembiotech Laboratories, which provide some insight into the diversity of research projects
that have been carried by Chembiotech Laboratories over the years. Many of the
R&D projects undertaken by Chembiotech Laboratories are highly confidential and
therefore cannot be discussed in the public domain.
- Fibres for Wound Dressings
- In conjunction with the University of Bolton, Chembiotech Laboratories has
been involved with the design, production and analysis of a range of
polysaccharide-based fibres, for potential application in the production of
non-woven wound dressings, produced from proprietary combinations of
sodium/calcium alginate, Na alginate/alginic acid, branan ferulate, sodium
carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), chitosan (& hydrolysed chitosan).
[This work was funded by SSL International Ltd]
Alginate fibres modified with unhydrolysed and hydrolysed
chitosans for wound dressings, CJ Knill, JF Kennedy, J Mistry,
M Miraftab, G Smart, MR Groocock, HJ Williams, Carbohydrate Polymers,
2004, 55(1),
Alkaline Degradation of Radioactive Cellulosic Waste
option for the long-term isolation of radioactive waste from the accessible
environment is placement in a repository excavated in stable rock formations,
deep underground. Wastes would be packaged in steel or concrete containers,
usually with a cement grout and placed in the vaults. Some time later, the
vaults would be backfilled with a cement-based material completely surrounding
the waste packages. Following closure of a repository and subsequent
resaturation of the repository by ingressing groundwater, a high-pH, chemically
reducing environment is expected to arise and be maintained. The dissolution of
calcium hydroxide from the cement would give long-term porewater pH values of
12.5. The solubilities and sorption of radionuclides are important data in
representing their behaviour in assessment calculations of the post-closure
performance of a repository for the deep disposal of radioactive wastes. One
possible influence is the formation of water-soluble complexants by the
degradation of the solid organic polymers present in waste. Chemical degradation
of cellulose under alkaline, anaerobic conditions is particularly important.
Cellulosic wastes, including paper, tissue, filters, cloth
and wood, form a significant proportion of the organic
materials in waste in the UK. The ability of the complexants arising from the
alkaline degradation of cellulose to mobilise radionuclides, and a detailed
understanding of the chemical degradation pathways and mechanisms is therefore
Chembiotech Laboratories was contracted to perform a thorough review of the
scientific literature on the alkaline degradation of cellulosic materials in
order to identify the primary mechanisms involved and identify what organic
chemical compounds could be produced.
[This work was funded by AEA Technology]
Degradation of cellulose under alkaline conditions, CJ Knill,
JF Kennedy, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2003,
51(3), 281-300}
- Degradation of Transformer Insulator
- Cellulose, in the form of high-grade
paper, in oil, has been utilised for many years as the major insulator in high voltage transformers.
With age the cellulose undergoes degradation (reduction in molecular weight),
its insulating properties, which results
in overheating and transformer failure.
Chembiotech Laboratories developed a colorimetric assay for the detection of
cellulose insulator paper thermal degradation products, namely 2-furfuraldehyde
and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, in transformer oil to assist with the monitoring of
insulation degradation. This saves costs by not replacing insulation
unnecessarily, but also facilitates prediction of when insulation needs
replacing before a failure occurs.
[This work was funded by The National Grid Company plc]
Sago Starch
- Chembiotech Laboratories was chosen by the Malaysian State Government of Sarawak to provide
assistance with the development of their newly formed 'Crop Research
& Applications Unit (CRAUN)'. This involved the training of CRAUN
staff in aspects of carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry, health and safety,
and general laboratory practices. Specific attention was focused upon starch and
the extraction, analysis and modification/utilisation of sago starch, derived
from the sago palm (Metroxylan sagu), indigenous to Sarawak.
{Ref: Industrial
production, processing, and utilization of sago-derived products
RS Singhal, JF Kennedy, SM Gopalakrishnan, A Kaczmarek, CJ Knill, PF Akmar,
Carbohydrate Polymers,
72(1), 1-20}
Hydrogel Wound Dressings
Chembiotech Laboratories was contracted to perform a detailed critical
comparison of the physicochemical characteristics of the leading
polysaccharide-based commercial hydrogel wound dressing products. This included
comparison of their composition,
adhesiveness, rheological characteristics, and fluid donation/absorption
properties.[This work was funded by SSL International Ltd]